Thursday, 24 September 2015

Geometry 3D shapes Activity

My Reflection
I am learning to recognize and describe 3D shapes using mathematical language.
I had to type in the name for each shape then type in the faces, corner vertices and edges.
I found this activity easy but also tricky too because at first I had no idea what was corner vertices and edges but then I knew what it meant.
I chose to share my learning by using a template of the activity and filling up the spaces.
My next step is to use advanced geometry. 

My Netball Field Day Certificate

My Reflection
This is a certificate that I was awarded. I was so happy when I got it.
When I first got it I had butterflies in my tummy because I was frightened but I got the hang of it and I was super proud of myself:)

Friday, 18 September 2015

Blog Recount

My Recount 

"YAWN" I moaned as I woke up from my sleep. I could hear my brother sleeping "ZZZ" and my sister twisting and turning.
Today was Father's Day and my dad was still sleeping so I woke my sister and brother up so we can start the day off for him.

First thing I did was I checked the time and it was 10:00 in the MORNING!!! So I shouted out to my siblings, "HEY YOU GUYS WE GOT A LOT TO DO, COME ON MOVE IT!!"

Once my brother and sister slowly got out off bed, we quickly got our cards and zoomed to our father's bed.

Soon we were jumping on our father's bed trying to wake him up but he still didn't wake up. After a little while we managed to get the old fluffy one to get up.

When he woke up we all screamed out, "HAPPY FATHER'S DAY" and then we handed out the father's day cards to him.

As you all know Father's day is a special day to have fun and go to special places with your father so we decided to go to an Indian restaurant called Bollywood.
I found the name Bollywood a strange name because it sounds like Hollywood.

"I want to go with our cousin!" I said ( because I really wanted to) but my brother wanted to also come with our cousin too so we both had to go with our cousin.

After a little while we had finally arrived at the restaurant. The restaurant was HUGE with the name BOLLYWOOD on the middle flashing with bright colors.

 As we all entered the restaurant, everything looked colorful and incredibly clean. our dad led us to our table.

Meanwhile my dad was leading the way I admired the decorations around the restaurant. IT LOOKED BEAUTIFUL.

when we reached the table we checked the menu to see what food the had so we can order. I ordered 2 mini corn dogs and chips. It took about 2 hours for the food to arrive and by then the ordering lady forgotten the kid meals!!! So we had to reorder the kid meals again and get to eat them.

When we finished all our food we headed back home tired and sleepy.

My journey through father's day was GREAT! We jumped on the bed, gave our sparkly cards to dad and went to a strange named Indian restaurant.
I love father's day but I love my dad the most.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Transformation Game

My Reflection

I am learning to make and investigate shapes that tessellate.
I had to play one of the practice activities and then screen record it. I chose the Transformation Game.
I thought the Transformation game tricky at first because I was new to the game and I had no idea what to do. Now I understand the game and I have a better understanding about translating, reflecting and rotating.
My next step is to try more harder tessellation problems.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Kensukes Kingdom Interview

My Reflection

I am learning use prior knowledge and experience when we relate to a given text/ topic to construct a reader’s response.
I had to chose a partner to be the interviewer so she ask some questions about Micheal. I had to be Micheal's mum which is the person that answers the questions.
I thought it was easy because I had great ideas for the questions.
My next step is to work hard and keep answering questions that people might ask.  

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Kensuke's Kingdom Vocabulary Worksheet

My Reflection
I am learning to extend my knowledge of new vocabulary.
I had to type down the unknown word and it's sentence, Use what I know to make a guess on what the word means, write down what I think it means and look up the word in a dictionary and write it's definition.
I thought it was easy because I had classmates to help me with some of the words.
My next step is to know my vocabulary.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Netball Semi Finals

Netball Semi Finals

It was 12:30 pm and it was a beautiful Friday afternoon as the Inter school netball players and I were stepping up and down the metal stairs.

As we arrived at the Lloyd Elsmore  netball courts we started warming up for our semi finals game with Waakaranga School.
Then it finally started...

Before the game had started we had to put our position bibs on and then we picked our team captain because we need a team captain and our captain needs to do paper,sicsors,rock with the other team's captain.

I played as the Goal Keeper ( GK ) which means that I have to keep the other team's shooter from getting the ball.

The shooter that I have to defend was a tall player with a netball dress that is red and black. She also had a pair of neon color sport shoes that were really BRIGHT. ( She was also really nice )

After a while later the game started and every started running, jumping and being a little CRAZY.
We started with the ball and everyone ( well not everyone but most ) wanted to get it.

At the end of the first round of the game got a good amount of ( I think ) 4 goals???

Next came the second round of the game, I came dashing for the ball but I was really tired that I almost felt like I was about to die.

Finally when the last round ended we get to finish.

We managed to get about 8 goals and the other team got about 7 goals.


When we finished we said our "Good game's" to each other and then we head off back to school.

I had fun doing our semi finals game and I thought we were going to loose through out the game because  I found that Waakaranga School is a hard school to beat. But we won!!


Onomatopoeia Worksheet

   My Reflection

I was learning how to do Figurative writing.
I had to read the instructions, watch videos about Figurative writing and then had to do a follow up.
I thought it was easy because I know what is onomatopoeia's and I hear lot's of onomatopoeia's all around the class.
I chose to share my learning by creating a google doc.
I thought it was easy because I know what to do with a google doc and I had a copy of the activity that I had to do.
My next step is to use onomatopoeia's in my writing.