Friday, 14 August 2015

100 Word Challenge T3W4

My Reflection

I was learning to write a 100 word story.
I had to watch the video and then write a story about one of the animals in the video.
I found it tricky because I had no idea what to write at first.
I chose to share my learning by creating a google doc with my story written.
My next step is to make my story make more sense and more interesting.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

How to make a Wind chime Framework

My Reflection
I was learning to write a clear explanation for an audience.
I had to do a explanation writing brainstorm to help me do my explanation writing.
I thought it was easy because I had done explanation writing before.
My next step is to try doing a explanation writing without a Framework.

Explanation Writing Brainstorm

Explanation Writing Brainstorm

My Reflection
I was learning to make a explanation writing brainstorm about how to make a wind chime.
I had to type in all the ingredients/description/part and then type the steps on how to make a wind chime.
I found the brainstorm easy because I made wind chimes before.
I chose to share my learning by using a template of the brainstorm and then start typing on it.
My next step is to write a real explanation about how to make a wind chime.

Friday, 7 August 2015

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Explanation Writing How to Make a Milkshake

My Reflection

I am learning to plan and write a clear explanation for an audience.
I had to watch a video and write notes while watching. I also had to complete a brainstorm and do a Explanation writing Framework worksheet too.
I thought it was easy because I found that the activity was pretty easy.
I chose to share my learning by creating a Framework about How to Make a Milkshake.
I thought it was easy because I had a brainstorm along with a video and some notes which I can also check.
My next step is to use explanation writing in my writing.

Kensuke's Kingdom Chapter 2 Comprehension Sheet

My Reflection

I was learning how to use diagrams and labels to understand and interpret information.  We had to read the chapter of Kensuke's Kingdom and then we had to do the Comprehension sheet.  I thought it was easy because I read the chapter and I knew all the answers for the questions. I think it’s easier to understand a diagram than it is to read about it.  My next step is to use diagrams when I need to explain something.