My Diary Post
Dear Diary,
Over the last few weeks of school Rm 20 have been doing some cool activities.
We learned to make Music with our body parts using the beats: ta, ta-ah, ta-ah-ah, ta-ah-ah-ah, titi, tiki tiki, ca. Learning to make music with our body parts were really fun especially when we make up our own song using the beats.
We also did Art. Our first art project that we made were birthday cards using cardboard and ink. My favorite part making the birthday cards were putting on the ink to our templates which were made out of cardboard. Our next art project that we're doing now is a self portrait that's been drawed into a paper and been decorated with doodles.
Youth town was probably one of my favorite sports activities because it's all about fun and learning.Youth town is a group of people who come and play sports with us. In our first week with Youth town we learned how to play capture the flag. Captured the flag is a fun game where you have two teams and you are trying to get the treasure from the team that you are versing without getting tagged by them. We versed Rm 19 and it was a win-win. In our second round we played capture the flag versing Rm 21 (the boys class.)
Mrs Graham (our teacher) decided to read a chapter book for us. It was called the Whale Rider and if you didn't know it's a story that is based from a real story. We read about 5 or 6 chapters so far and it's getting really interesting. Through out the story Mrs Graham gave us some activities to do with the Whale Rider.
We made Venn Diagrams which are little bubbles and inside you can type in information about a character from a story or a person that you know really well.
I thought that we did lots of stuff over the last 5 weeks. Did you did something in your school that's something familiar to my story?