Thursday, 24 March 2016

My Reading Challenge

This is My Reading Challenge. Each of these activities have a different topic to read. Each books you complete from each topic you get a book on your reading pile. You have to try reaching 20 books by the end of this year. I had accomplished these activities:
  • A book where the main character is the opposite gender from me - Weirdo 2
  • A book by my favorite Arthur that I haven't read yet - Thea Stilton Big Trouble in The Big Apple
  • A book recommended by a friend - Tom Gates A tiny Bit of Luck
  • A book with Non-Human characters - Geronimo Stilton The Phoenix of Destiny
I think I did well so far with my reading. Hopefully I will be able to reach up to 20 books.

Term 1 Week 7 Diary Post-2

Dear Diary,
Welcome Back! We have been doing some more fun activities sense the last time I wrote on you.

Lets start with Maths. We have been learning about Place Value Partitioning. Place Value is a strategy that you can use with addition and subtraction. Mrs Graham made a slideshow and typed in some maths questions for us. We chose which level we were comfortable with and tried solving them.

Next is about House Captains and Councillors. House captains are children that are responsible, active and sporty. They bring out the sports trolleys every lunchtime for the seniors and juniors. A Sport trolley is a trolley full of all sorts of items that you can play with. The Councillors are the leaders of the school. They do the hosting in Assembly. A host is a speaker that leads a show. They also greets visitors or be the greeters in meetings.
A couple of weeks ago they had announced the Councillors and House Captains and I WAS A COUNCILLOR!! I can wait till they hand out the badges and announce the head-girl.

In my last Diary post I had told you about Art and our self portraits. Well now we had started and it is going really well.
I think it's turning out really well!

I hope you enjoy today's diary post. I think it was a great doing all of these cool activities. See you soon!

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Explanation Writing

My Reflection

I am learning to write an explanation about the Gender Roles in the Maori Culture.
Something that I found helpful through this activity was when we checked Anahitaś explanation. Her explanation gave me a good plan on what I should write for mines.
My next step is to write explanations about peoples passion.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Arthur Bias-Whale Rider Chapter 8

I thought these words were biased because it was talking about something that had a fair representation in both sides. It also takes sides.

My Reflection
I am learning to find words that are biased in a chapter.
I found this activity easy because I had done this activity before and tells what does bias means.
I had to find all the words that are biased.
My next step is to learn a little bit more about what does bias means.

Monday, 14 March 2016

My Cryptarithms Video

My Reflection

I was learning about Cryptarithms and how to figure out each question.
I found most of the questions quite hard because the strategy we use gets more confusing on each question.
I found it easy because I had buddies around me to help solve the equation.
My next step is to get more faster at working out Cryptarithms and workout the most hardest questions.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Kennings Poem

My Reflection

I was learning to write a Kenning Poem using Adjectives and Verbs.
I found this activity fun because writing Kenning Poems is a cool way to do writing.
I had to write a poem using Adjectives and Verbs.
My next step is to write a poem using words that ryme.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Nadini's Peer Mediator Video

My Reflection

I am learning the skills of being a Peer Mediator.
I found it challenging to make the video because we make mistakes every time which gives me and my team members some difficulty.
My next step is to use the skills that I learnt and use it outside of school and in the playground.

Whale Rider Venn Diagram

My Reflection

I am learning to relate to the characters in the text.
I found this activity easy because we brainstormed first with lots of ideas.
My next step is to write a description using the ideas that typed into my Venn diagram.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Term 1 Week 5 - Diary Post

My Diary Post

Dear Diary,

Over the last few weeks of school Rm 20 have been doing some cool activities.

We learned to make Music with our body parts using the beats: ta,  ta-ah,  ta-ah-ah,   ta-ah-ah-ah,   titi,   tiki tiki,   ca. Learning to make music with our body parts were really fun especially when we make up our own song using the beats.

We also did Art. Our first art project that we made were birthday cards using cardboard and ink. My favorite part making the birthday cards were putting on the ink to our templates which were made out of cardboard. Our next art project that we're doing now is a self portrait that's been drawed into a paper and been decorated with doodles.

Youth town was probably one of my favorite sports activities because it's all about fun and learning.Youth town is a group of people who come and play sports with us. In our first week with Youth town we learned how to play capture the flag. Captured the flag is a fun game where you have two teams and you are trying to get the treasure from the team that you are versing without getting tagged by them. We versed Rm 19 and it was a win-win. In our second round we played capture the flag versing Rm 21 (the boys class.) 

Mrs Graham (our teacher) decided to read a chapter book for us. It was called the Whale Rider and if you didn't know it's a story that is based from a real story. We read about 5 or 6 chapters so far and it's getting really interesting. Through out the story Mrs Graham gave us some activities to do with the Whale Rider.
We made Venn Diagrams which are little bubbles and inside you can type in information about a character from a story or a person that you know really well.

I thought that we did lots of stuff over the last 5 weeks. Did you did something in your school that's something familiar to my story?

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Analyzing My Graph

  • The greatest number of people like other jobs in the school. e.g: Milk monitor.
  • The least number of people don't like being a bell monitor or a House captain.
My Reflection

I am learning to collect data and display information.
I thought it was tricky for me because it was my first time making a google form and it was hard collecting the data.
My next step is to collect much more data and get use to making google forms.