Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions

My Reflection

I am learning about Improper Fractions.
I had to make a google doc and try to figure what are the answers of these 5 questions.
I found most parts easy because we had workshop to help us understand what improper and Mixed fractions were.
My next step is to learn how to use mixed numbers and improper fractions in equations.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Fractions-Convert to Improper Fractions

My Reflection

I am learning about Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions.
I had to make a video of me playing a fractions game and explaining how I got the answer. 
I found this activity more easy because I had attended to a workshop before to understand about what is Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions.
My next step is to try do some equations using Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions.

Friday, 13 May 2016

My Diary Post Term 2 Week 2

Diary Post

Greetings diary! It's finally Term 2 of school and it's starting out well. I can't wait to tell you all about it.

I first want to tell you about our Inquiry launch because it was my favorite part of school. We get to watch the movie WALL-E at first. All the year 6's were here even some teachers. We each cuddled up with a cushion/pillow and got comfortable and watch the movie. The teachers decided that our main topic for this year in inquiry was about space. I think you should watch the movie WALL-E because it's a very interesting because it's a movie about robots and humans living in space because Earth was destroyed.

After watching the movie we packed up and then did a scavenger hunt. The topic was about SPACE and we got into teams of 3's or 4's. It was really exciting when it started even you might think it's fun. What the teachers did was they tied up some clues or lets just say questions with a string and tied them somewhere so that we can find it.

Another exciting event that's still happening is Terrific Tuesday which is an event where we choose an activity that we will do for the rest of the Term. We did our first session a couple days ago on Tuesday and I chose how to make PutiPuti flax flowers. 
This activity was an activity that counts weaving. In our first session we made mini paper flax flowers. It started out hard but then it got easier and easier till we got the hang of it.

We're also doing a new art project. I found it really interesting. The creation is called a Agamograph. An Agamograph is an art work where in one side there is a picture and the other side is a  drawing of the opposite of the drawing.

Those were some of the events that happened so far in Term 2. I had really fun doing all of these activities and you should too.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Persuasive Techniques in Commercials

My Reflection

I was learning how to use persuasive techniques.
I had to make an Advertisement about what makes your holiday better using what appeals to parents.
We first got into groups of 2,3 or 4's and then planned out how the adds would turned out to be and what it's all about. Then we made a script to use when we were going to record and it took us a while to make it. Once our script was finished we decided to make our Advertisement using an animation website called Powtoon. Making the presentation was fun but when it came to recording it got really hard. It took us a really long time getting the recording perfect and at the end we got it alright.

Through out this project we also checked out some adds made from people and we learnt some Persuasive techniques.

  • SLOGAN: A catchy phrase to make your add more interesting
  • REPETITION: You use a word over and over again
  • TESTIMONIAL: A customer that tells comments about your work.
  • BANDWAGON: Making people want to be apart of it and not missing out.
  • EXPERT OPINION: An experts point of view.
  • EMOTIONAL APPEAL: Making the audience feel emotional.

The techniques that we used was were:
Slogan and Testimonial. We used Happy Children, Happy Holidays for our Slogan because we thought it would fit with our Advertisement. For our Testimonial we used one of our team members as our happy customer (it was a boy.) 

We could improve by using more techniques to make it grab the audience more.