Monday, 8 June 2015

My Recount

My Recount

Last week Thursday the Into School Netball Team and Mrs Graham had a netball match, which was in our Netball Court. We went to the game because it was a champion game.
We made our rules and then we played the game with those rules.

Firstly we put on our position bibs and we went to our positions on the court. I was in Center which means I can go every where on the court exept the circles.

Then the captains from each team did paper,siccors,rock. Our team captain got ball while the other team got goal. Then we started the game.

Through out the game we were defending atacking and also shooting. I got alot of balls by defending my partner from the other team. My team mates also got alot of balls too.

After the first round of the game the wistle blowwed and we all stopped. Everyone went back to their teachers and talked about how the first round went well.

Then we all swoped our positions. I got Goal Defence which means I can only go on the two quarters of the court and also in the other teams circle where they goal but I'm not aloud to go in my team's circle ( Where they goal ).

After 15 minutes the game ended and we WON!!!!! I was so glad and I was surprised to be Goal D because that's my favourite position from the other positions.

I had alot of fun playing the game and I really was surprised being GD and C.

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