Wednesday, 14 October 2015

My Holidays

"........" THAT was the sound of silence, nothing to do except being miserable and lazy UNTIL..... 
BOOM, SLAM, THUMP went the door as a living object that looked like my baby cousin came stomping in. It was my baby cousin who started yelling, "HI!!!" 

Image result for trampolineAs he came in another living object came walking in she was my auntie. We all JUMPED UP and raced to the back yard. Once we made it to our backyard I wanted to go on the BOUNCY tramp so we climbed up to the tramp and started jumping up and down. As I was jumping I could feel the freezing air coming to my face.

First we started chasing each other screaming and laughing. Then we got really bored on chasing each other so we played a game. We played a game with my ball and we played a game of crack the egg and also just jumped around.

Next we went to a playground around Lloyd Elsmore. We were really excited. Once we came into the playground I went on the swings. I could feel butterflies in my tummy while I was swinging," WOOHOO" I said as I let go of the swing and landed perfectly on the ground. 

When I started getting bored on the swings I went to go and play with my brother and sister. We went on the HUGE bright yellow swing. The butterflies in my tummy flied away but cold air came into my eyes which was a little twitchy and painful.

Half an hour of crying, laughing and doing crazy things in the playground our auntie shouted," COME ON KIDS WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" So we went back home.

Once we had arrived back home our baby cousin and auntie had to leave:( 

Did you had something like this when your cousin or an auntie comes to your house and you go to the playground or something similar to my day. Well I had fun and hopefully you did too.

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