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Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Term 4 Week 8 Blog Recount
Tragic Saturday
It was a beautiful Saturday morning as the sun rises up and the moon sets down. Mum and dad was about to go out and my brother and sister was out in the back yard. Meanwhile I was in my bedroom watching a movie in my laptop but just in that moment THE INTERNET HAD NO WiFi !!!!! This is the beginning of a very bad day!!
Since the laptop had no WiFi I went of to play with my brother and sister but then I got bored from playing outside!! So I went to do some maths with my grandmother.
After a little while my Mother and Father had returned from their Business Party. They came back with the jeep and broken in the back of it. I was panicking so I asked what had happened. Mum had said that when they were trying to park the car they accidentally banged into the front of a building and broke the back window of the car.
Soon it was night time and I ask my father what we're going to do with the car. He said we will call AA Insurance.
After that mum had handed out dinner. I tried it on but it was FAR too hot! I told mum about it but she said to JUST EAT IT!! It was a little difficult but I still kept eating.
After dinner had ended we went to bed. I wanted to stay up late but mum said no. So I had to.
It was a tragic Saturday of course. Now let me tell you a question did this ever happened to you???
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Compatible Numbers Slideshow
My Reflection
I am learning to use Compatible numbers in our Basic Facts.
I had to use a strategy to solve problems that are counting up to hundred or thousands.
I found it easy because the teacher had showed how to do it at first.
My next step is to use decimals on strategies.
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Term 4 Week 6 Blog Recount
The Best Day Of My Life
It was a bright morning. The birds were singing and dad was fast a sleep. I just woke up when I heard a toilet flushing and a person's voice talking out from it. It was the sound of the sweet voice that mum use to speak. But she wasn't actually at home for ages. But it was her. I was really happy and I hugged as tight as I can. It was a new beginning!!!
First I went of waking my brother and sister. They all screamed and hugged my mother. Mum was so happy she almost cried!!!
Then mum opened the three suitcases she bring from Australia. We checked if there was presents and there was a BAG full of CANDY!!! Then there were two mini kangaroo bags with a adorable kangaroo stuck in the middle of the front. I found it really cute.
Next there was some hairbands that was braided with elastic bands. Mum said they were really strong and it was true.
After that my brother got a towel for swimming also did my little sister. My brother got more like a colorful towel and my little sister got a pink bunny towel with bunny ears on top. They were so cute. I didn't get one because I already got one.
Once we had checked the suitcase we went outside to play in the sun. Mum and Dad went for a rest on the couch that we had in our garage. While the others went to play on the trampoline I practiced shooting with my netball and the hoop that my dad stuck on.
After a little while we got changed to our clothes for the day and I bought fish and chips to eat and enjoy. Dad bought coke and then we started eating.
At the end of the day we ate dinner and went of to sleep.
I was so glad that my mother had come back from Australia. It was like our family was going to split up but no thank goodness. :)
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Ways People Speak
My Reflection
I am learning to see the ways people speak in fairy tales.
I had to read some fairy tales and then complete some of the tasks.
I found this easy and fun because I like to read stories and I was with a group which helped me.
My next step is to write good fairy tales.
Te Tuhi Trip Art
My Reflection
I am learning to make a collage.
I had to first glue out bits of ripped paper, then trace out some shapes, cut out pictures from magazines, newspaper and calendars and lastly I used water paint and paint out some of the spaces.
I found the tracing little hard because I sometimes move the pencil when I'm tracing. I get all shaky like.
I had so much fun making the collages and hopefully there would be much more better collages in the Future.
My Fractured Fairy Tale
My Reflection
I am learning to write a Fractured Fairy Tale.
I had to use my Framework to write my story.
I found this easy because I had the framework with me.
My next step is to write much more detailed stories.
Friday, 13 November 2015
Animal Scavenger Hunt
My Reflection
I am learning to find information about animals.
I had to read about some animals and then type it into a google slide.
I found a little hard because I got confused a little.
My next step is to try understanding the activity and not get confused.
Fantastic Friday Assembly
This is one of the photos for when we were doing our showcase for Fantastic Friday.
I was doing Sewing and our group was showing our things first.
We made pot mitts and Christmas decorations.
I was kind of nervous at first but then I got a little more confident.
Once we finished we got on with the other groups.
It was a great idea to do Fantastic Friday.
Next year if there is Fantastic Friday and there is Cool Science then I will pick Cool Science.
Practicing My Free Style At Swimming
My Reflection
I was learning to swim a Freestyle stroke.
I had to make sure that I breath by rolling my head to the side of my head and also making sure that I have my ear and the side of my head on my hand.
I found it pretty easy to complete the freestyle because I use to go to swimming classes and we had been practicing the freestyle for the last couple of weeks.
My next step is to try doing the breaststroke.
language Features in Fairy Tale
My Reflection
I am learning to find the Adjectives,Adverbs and Similes in a Fairy Tale.
I had to read the story Thumbelina and then make a slideshow and type in all the adjectives,adverbs and the similes.
I found it very to read because if was a 12 chapter story.
I chose to create my story in a slide show.
My next step is to write a Fairy tale with adjectives, adverbs and similes.
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Term 4 Week 5 Blog Recount
"BOOM, BAM, BOOM!" Yep that the sound of fireworks. Crackling about in the air. It all started when our cousins had arrived with a box of fireworks. We all jumped up and went to the backyard where a whole field ground was placed.
First of all we got prepared and then our big cousin got ready by getting the lighter and a box of fireworks. Meanwhile the others and I got on to the trampoline jumping up and down.
A little while later our cousin managed to get the lighter to work. She lit up the fireworks and BOOM it goes.
We had lots of colorful ones and huge spark ones. Then came my favorite one. I call it the shooting star. Why? Because it looks like millions of different stars. Some shoot up like shooting stars.
After that came the big fireworks. You know like the one that shoots up and explodes into colors.
Well we had that one and it was amazing.
I was shocked but also scared so I lye down on the trampoline curled up. It almost gave me shivers or was it because it was cold. Well I did got the shivers.
We were at the last two fireworks. One was a color blast and the other one was a shooting star. It was really pretty!!!
Well it was time to end the day by cleaning.
I had so much fun. Now let me ask you a question. Did you light up fireworks? Was it fun?
Monday, 9 November 2015
My Fractured Fairy Tale Introduction
My Reflection
I am learning to write an introduction to my own fractured fairy tale.
I had to use my planner and write an introduction using my own words
I found this easy because I had a planner which helped me.
I chose to share my learning in a doc.
My next step is to write the body of my fractured fairy tale.
Fractured Fairy Tale Writing Frame
My Reflection
I am learning to write an introduction to my own fractured fairy tale.
I had to make my own fractured fairy tale and then fill it in to the spaces.
I found it easy because I know lots of different kind of fairy tales.
My next step is to write a full story of my own fractured fairy tale.
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Determining Credibility
My Reflection
I was learning to either trust a article and is it biased or not.
I had to read to different types of articles. Then fill the questions.
I found it easy because I had group beside me and there were lots of clues in the sites.
My next step is to write something either biased or not.
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Narrative Framework
My Reflection
I am learning to write a narrative.
I had to know a structure of a narrative, put in the different parts in the story Little Red Riding Hood and then complete the Narrative Writing Framework.
I found this a little easy because I know the complete story of the Little Red Riding Hood and my teacher explained a got explanation on what is the structure of a Narrative.
My next step is to actually write a real Narrative.
Monday, 2 November 2015
Term 4 Week 4 Blog Recount
It was the last Day of the cold chilly month and children were hunting for Halloween treats. Witches and monsters, ghosts and pumpkins all around. While my little brother and sisters were eating their Halloween treats. I was ready to tell my whole of my journey through Halloween.
It all started at the shops with my dad. We were going to go and buy some masks for my little brother, sister and me. One of them was going to dress up as a ghost and the other one was a fairy and I well I was going to dress up as a witch as usual . Can you guess which is which?
Once we had gotten the costumes we had moved on with getting some treats for the kids who come in front of our house door. Then we went back home. I got dressed up as quick as I can then my sister said, " TIME TO GET READY! YAY YAY YAY."
As soon as my brother and sister got ready we went off with our Halloween baskets attached to our hands.
We first went to my sister's friend's house. It looked really spooky with all the signs on. And when we knocked, the door slowly crank open with a spooky sound coming from the back. As we waited a person came out from the door holding a basket of goodies. We said," Trick or Treat" and the lady gave back some candy. I got popping candy and well.. that all......
Next we went to our neighbors house. They had a small plate with fruity flavored candy. They gave us about 3 or 4 for each of us and then we left saying thank you.
At the end we went to about 8 houses and got our candy baskets get filled up with candy.
We went back home and enjoyed the rest of the day eating Halloween candy.
Did you had fun at Halloween and have you figured out which is which in the costume part?
Well I had fun and I think it was fun doing Halloween!!
Friday, 30 October 2015
Term 4 Week 3 Blog Recount
Athletics Rotation
On Friday we had our HUGE Athletics Rotations. The whole Seniors were doing it. There was High Jump, Long jump, Sprinting, Soft ball Throw. I was really nervous but I had to try it.
First we went into our age groups. I was at the 10 year old girls team. I saw my friends there Abimbola, Mandy and Norah. They all said,"Hi" to me and I said, "Hi" back.
Once we had formed into our age groups we went to our school field. I saw lot's of year 6's and Year 5's in the group that I was in. I saw some of my last, last year class kids and kids that I know. Abimbola said that she was really excited for the sprinting because she was a fast runner and it was true!
Norah said that she was excited for the high jump and so did Mandy too.
I was excited for both activities!
When everyone had arrived and got prepared one of the teachers started explaining what we had to do for Athletics. Our first activity was soft ball throw with Mr Write. He first tought us how to do a softball throw. ( You have to make sure that you have one arm aiming to the place you want to throw and the other hand holding the ball beside your face.) That's how I learned how to do a softball throw.
Once we had practiced our softball throw we then started doing the real thing.
We formed into groups of fours and then we took turns throwing the ball. In my group I had Mandy, Abimbola and Norah. We went when Mr Write had called us. When it was my turn I did throw. I had pretty good throw but I didn't made it to the Athletics team for Softball but at least I had a try.
As everyone was throwing. Abimbola made it to the softball team but then she didn't made it because someone else made it in her place so she had to come back with us :(
After a few minutes we were walking to the sandpit for long jump. I was really nervous for this one because I'm not a good long jumper but I am a good high jumper ;) We had Mrs Walker and Mrs Kan for the long jump. Mrs Walker told us the rules and what to do in long jump. ( You have to start of by running and then jump to the white part of the board and jump with all of your power.)
After that we started doing a practice run. I did the same thing that Mrs Walker had said but I did something wrong. Yep something wrong. I forgotten that I was supposed to jump with 2 feet not 1 foot. So I need to make sure that in the next round I will need to jump with 2 feet
When it was my turn in the next round I remembered that I had to jump with 2 feet so I started running from the mark jumped right to the board and jumped off with 2 feet and landed to the sandpit. Mrs Walker said that in that round it was MUCH more better. So I said "Thank you" and went back to the line.
Just in that time of the last round Mrs Howard came and said that we will be going to our next activity. It was called Beanbag Mania but I never knew that we had that game in the rotations. Well we had to try it so we did. First the teacher told us how to play it. ( It's kind of difficult to explain the game so sorry :( ) Anyways back to the story we set up the game and started. There was four groups, group A, group B, group C and group D. I was in group B. Group B has to be in the corner sides where we use balls to try hitting the people who are charging for a beanbag.
When everyone was ready we started playing. The first two people from group D and A started charging in for a beanbag. We waited for the players to grab a beanbag and then we stared shooting. I was about to shoot when suddenly someone else started shooting right to our side.
Well we just continued so it didn't matter.
At the end we got about most of the players. But then we changed to different positions. Our team was the ones that were trying to get the beanbags to home without getting hit by a ball. I was more confident but I did had fun doing some throwing. As we charged to get a beanbag group D and group C was on a roll.
At the end we got about 685 points and we won in that round. Also perfect timing because it's time to go to the next rotation which is sprinting. We all started of by getting into 2 groups. 1 is for the slow runners and the other one is for the fast runners. I went in the fats one because I am a pretty fast runner.
Then we went to the running tracks. The fast runners went into one heat. We lined up and then the others started lining up in other heats. Then we started racing. I came second in the first race and then we raced again that time I came 3 place but then we had to race the fats ones. I came fifth place which means I lost:( but it was ok.
Right then Mrs Melville said to come to the next activity so we went of to do High jump. first we split into two groups. One that jumps with their left legs and the other with right. I went on left because I jump with left. We had about 4 or 5 rounds of it because high jump was really short.
I almost made it to the team but I lost it.
High jump was fun but it was time to finish athletics. I had so much fun. But still I think athletics can be still really challenging.
When everyone was ready we started playing. The first two people from group D and A started charging in for a beanbag. We waited for the players to grab a beanbag and then we stared shooting. I was about to shoot when suddenly someone else started shooting right to our side.
Well we just continued so it didn't matter.
At the end we got about most of the players. But then we changed to different positions. Our team was the ones that were trying to get the beanbags to home without getting hit by a ball. I was more confident but I did had fun doing some throwing. As we charged to get a beanbag group D and group C was on a roll.
At the end we got about 685 points and we won in that round. Also perfect timing because it's time to go to the next rotation which is sprinting. We all started of by getting into 2 groups. 1 is for the slow runners and the other one is for the fast runners. I went in the fats one because I am a pretty fast runner.
Then we went to the running tracks. The fast runners went into one heat. We lined up and then the others started lining up in other heats. Then we started racing. I came second in the first race and then we raced again that time I came 3 place but then we had to race the fats ones. I came fifth place which means I lost:( but it was ok.
Right then Mrs Melville said to come to the next activity so we went of to do High jump. first we split into two groups. One that jumps with their left legs and the other with right. I went on left because I jump with left. We had about 4 or 5 rounds of it because high jump was really short.
I almost made it to the team but I lost it.
High jump was fun but it was time to finish athletics. I had so much fun. But still I think athletics can be still really challenging.
Character Description Grandparents
These are my grandparents. One is called Grandpa Joe and the other is Granny May.
Grandpa Joe's cheeks are as red as a volcano erupting and Granny May's eyes are as blue as crystal diamonds.
Grandpa Joe is playful, like a clown doing a circus act, like tricks and jokes and mix and matches, As playful as toys everywhere.
Granny May is sweet, like sweet candy, like really kind children, As sweet as Grandpa Joe!
Granny May has red velvet cheeks with a big smile underneath it. She has a loaf of twisty eyelashes and eyes as blue as crystal diamonds. Grandpa Joe is white as snow and hair that's grey as grey ash. He looks like Santa Claus and always has a big smile :)
Grandpa Joe is a smart and playful kind of person. He makes jokes and do tricks. Granny May is a clever and intelligent kind of person. She is a great cooker and has chubby cheeks.
Both Grandpa Joe and Granny May speak English and use English but who knows they might know more.
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Character Description Framework
My Reflection
I am learning to write a Character Description of my Grandparents.
I had to type in parts about either my grandparents or a picture of some grandparents.
I found this easy because I had done a character description before so I had some ideas.
My next step is to use all the ideas I typed in the framework and write in the real character description.
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Aurthor Bias
Biased Opinion
A New Student was a Hero!!
Laura Mini, a student that was new to school was a great hero when she had saved a grandmother from getting crushed by a car.
It all started when the end of school bell rang. Laura had just got out from the school and was walking down the footpath when suddenly a strange scream came out from the road. Laura checked who it was and just then she saw a grandmother crossing the road and a car just about to crush her. She needed cross the road before the car crosses her so Laura zoomed right to her and speed across the road right before car zoomed across. The Grandmother thanked Laura, gave Laura a big hug and then she said, " You are truly a hero." And that's how Laura became a hero.
Balanced Opinion
What Really Happened
Laura Mini was a new kid to school. When she was about walk back home she heard someone yell help. She went to check who it was and it was a old lady trying to cross the road. She noticed that a car was about drive through on the same road that the old lady was on. Laura started panicking but then she knew that she should help the old lady cross the road. So Laura went off giving the lady a hand.
Once they had crossed the road the old lady thanked Laura and said, " You are very helpful my dear." And that's the story of how Laura helped a old lady out.
Thursday, 22 October 2015
Writing Description
Writing Description
Greg the misarable, stincky, old man was a lump of stinky old slime. His uniform was made of dirty, scratched up fabrics and when you look at him, his not so handsome face would make you run like the wind. He moves like a snail, shoulders dropped like as if it weights a ton and rides on a broken, wooden bike. His eyes are as dark as a terrible, stormy nightmare, his ears are as floppy as a flag flopping about through the wind. When he smiles ( although he doesn't ) you can see a HUGE hole from a rotten teeth. Greg was a careless old man who drives people BATS!!!
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
T4W2 Blog Recount
Fantastic Friday
"RIIIIINNGGG!" That was the sound of the playtime bell ringing out of CONTROL!! I saw children getting ready for something but what? RIGHT it was FANTASTIC FRIDAY! All the Year 3's,4's,5's and 6's were going WANKERS around the shade area finding their line to their activities.
First I tried finding my line to my activity. My activity was sewing and wool crafts. I was so exited that I almost blew the roof of my head off. I checked if one of my friends were here and there was Mandy one of my friends and classmate. She looked lonely so I talked with her while we waited for the teacher that was leading the activity.
Just a moment later a teacher had arrived and said some questions like," Is this my group for sewing?, Are you all coming with me?, Are you all going to Rm 19 or 20?"
Once we had answered the questions we went into the room of COLORS and sat on the mat. One of the teachers told us what to do, oh sorry there was actually two teachers, any way back to the story, so the teacher told us what we will be sewing. At first I didn't understand what we were going to make but then the teacher ( Mrs Rist ) explained what it was. It was a called pot mitt. A pot mitt is something that protects your hand from hotness of a pot so that means when your carrying a boiling pot and you need something to protect your hand you will need a pot mitt.
After that Mrs Rist showed us the different type of fabrics that we could use to make a pot mitt. There was lots of striped pattern fabrics, fabrics with castle on them and colorful fabrics too. I chose the colorful striped pattern fabric.
When everyone chose their fabric and sat down on the mat Mrs Rist showed us how to sew. It looked difficult but really it was actually simple! First I got a string from the other teacher (Mrs tjaliad.) Then I got help from Mrs Rist on tying the string. Then I started sewing Up and Down, Up and Down, Up and Down, Up and Down.
When I reached to the end I had sew back again:O I groaned,"AAHHH" and I started sewing back again.
As I finished the sewing I went to Mrs Rist and she finished off by writing my name on a sticky note and pasting it on my fabric.
Just then the bell rang and everyone sat down on the mat ready to go back to their classes. The teachers had let us go back to our classes and our class end the day off with the karakia.
I think it was a great idea to have FANTASTIC FRIDAY and I had so much fun doing sewing, making pot mitt, learning new things about sewing and having fun.
Monday, 19 October 2015
Fact or Opinion Follow-up
My Reflection
I am learning about facts and opinions.
I had to read a slideshow that tells information about facts and opinions and then fill in the follow up.
I found this tricky because this is kind of new to me.
My next step is to use facts and opinion in writing.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
My Holidays
"........" THAT was the sound of silence, nothing to do except being miserable and lazy UNTIL.....
As he came in another living object came walking in she was my auntie. We all JUMPED UP and raced to the back yard. Once we made it to our backyard I wanted to go on the BOUNCY tramp so we climbed up to the tramp and started jumping up and down. As I was jumping I could feel the freezing air coming to my face.
BOOM, SLAM, THUMP went the door as a living object that looked like my baby cousin came stomping in. It was my baby cousin who started yelling, "HI!!!"
First we started chasing each other screaming and laughing. Then we got really bored on chasing each other so we played a game. We played a game with my ball and we played a game of crack the egg and also just jumped around.
Next we went to a playground around Lloyd Elsmore. We were really excited. Once we came into the playground I went on the swings. I could feel butterflies in my tummy while I was swinging," WOOHOO" I said as I let go of the swing and landed perfectly on the ground.
When I started getting bored on the swings I went to go and play with my brother and sister. We went on the HUGE bright yellow swing. The butterflies in my tummy flied away but cold air came into my eyes which was a little twitchy and painful.
Half an hour of crying, laughing and doing crazy things in the playground our auntie shouted," COME ON KIDS WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" So we went back home.
Once we had arrived back home our baby cousin and auntie had to leave:(
Did you had something like this when your cousin or an auntie comes to your house and you go to the playground or something similar to my day. Well I had fun and hopefully you did too.
When I started getting bored on the swings I went to go and play with my brother and sister. We went on the HUGE bright yellow swing. The butterflies in my tummy flied away but cold air came into my eyes which was a little twitchy and painful.
Half an hour of crying, laughing and doing crazy things in the playground our auntie shouted," COME ON KIDS WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" So we went back home.
Once we had arrived back home our baby cousin and auntie had to leave:(
Did you had something like this when your cousin or an auntie comes to your house and you go to the playground or something similar to my day. Well I had fun and hopefully you did too.
My Reflection
I am learning about probability. We had to play the maths game Yahtzee and then do a follow up on probability with Yahtzee. I found this a little challenging because I never played Yahtzee before and I also got confused with some of the questions. My next step is to use probability in a different situation.
Facts Finding in Non-Fiction Text Follow-up
My Reflection
I am learning to use the 5W questions to help me find the main ideas in the articles. I had to fill in the 5W questions and then write a summary. I thought it was easy because I found the 5W quickly.
My next step is to make more longer and detailed summary.
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Geometry 3D shapes Activity
My Reflection
I am learning to recognize and describe 3D shapes using mathematical language.
I had to type in the name for each shape then type in the faces, corner vertices and edges.
I found this activity easy but also tricky too because at first I had no idea what was corner vertices and edges but then I knew what it meant.
I chose to share my learning by using a template of the activity and filling up the spaces.
My next step is to use advanced geometry.
My Netball Field Day Certificate
My Reflection
This is a certificate that I was awarded. I was so happy when I got it.
When I first got it I had butterflies in my tummy because I was frightened but I got the hang of it and I was super proud of myself:)
Friday, 18 September 2015
Blog Recount
My Recount
"YAWN" I moaned as I woke up from my sleep. I could hear my brother sleeping "ZZZ" and my sister twisting and turning.
Today was Father's Day and my dad was still sleeping so I woke my sister and brother up so we can start the day off for him.
First thing I did was I checked the time and it was 10:00 in the MORNING!!! So I shouted out to my siblings, "HEY YOU GUYS WE GOT A LOT TO DO, COME ON MOVE IT!!"
Once my brother and sister slowly got out off bed, we quickly got our cards and zoomed to our father's bed.
Soon we were jumping on our father's bed trying to wake him up but he still didn't wake up. After a little while we managed to get the old fluffy one to get up.
When he woke up we all screamed out, "HAPPY FATHER'S DAY" and then we handed out the father's day cards to him.
As you all know Father's day is a special day to have fun and go to special places with your father so we decided to go to an Indian restaurant called Bollywood.
I found the name Bollywood a strange name because it sounds like Hollywood.
"I want to go with our cousin!" I said ( because I really wanted to) but my brother wanted to also come with our cousin too so we both had to go with our cousin.
After a little while we had finally arrived at the restaurant. The restaurant was HUGE with the name BOLLYWOOD on the middle flashing with bright colors.
As we all entered the restaurant, everything looked colorful and incredibly clean. our dad led us to our table.
Meanwhile my dad was leading the way I admired the decorations around the restaurant. IT LOOKED BEAUTIFUL.
when we reached the table we checked the menu to see what food the had so we can order. I ordered 2 mini corn dogs and chips. It took about 2 hours for the food to arrive and by then the ordering lady forgotten the kid meals!!! So we had to reorder the kid meals again and get to eat them.
When we finished all our food we headed back home tired and sleepy.
My journey through father's day was GREAT! We jumped on the bed, gave our sparkly cards to dad and went to a strange named Indian restaurant.
I love father's day but I love my dad the most.
I found the name Bollywood a strange name because it sounds like Hollywood.
"I want to go with our cousin!" I said ( because I really wanted to) but my brother wanted to also come with our cousin too so we both had to go with our cousin.
After a little while we had finally arrived at the restaurant. The restaurant was HUGE with the name BOLLYWOOD on the middle flashing with bright colors.
As we all entered the restaurant, everything looked colorful and incredibly clean. our dad led us to our table.
Meanwhile my dad was leading the way I admired the decorations around the restaurant. IT LOOKED BEAUTIFUL.
when we reached the table we checked the menu to see what food the had so we can order. I ordered 2 mini corn dogs and chips. It took about 2 hours for the food to arrive and by then the ordering lady forgotten the kid meals!!! So we had to reorder the kid meals again and get to eat them.
When we finished all our food we headed back home tired and sleepy.
My journey through father's day was GREAT! We jumped on the bed, gave our sparkly cards to dad and went to a strange named Indian restaurant.
I love father's day but I love my dad the most.
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Transformation Game
My Reflection
I am learning to make and investigate shapes that tessellate.
I had to play one of the practice activities and then screen record it. I chose the Transformation Game.
I thought the Transformation game tricky at first because I was new to the game and I had no idea what to do. Now I understand the game and I have a better understanding about translating, reflecting and rotating.
My next step is to try more harder tessellation problems.
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Kensukes Kingdom Interview
My Reflection
I am learning use prior knowledge and experience when we relate to a given text/ topic to construct a reader’s response.
I had to chose a partner to be the interviewer so she ask some questions about Micheal. I had to be Micheal's mum which is the person that answers the questions.
I thought it was easy because I had great ideas for the questions.
My next step is to work hard and keep answering questions that people might ask.
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Kensuke's Kingdom Vocabulary Worksheet
My Reflection
I am learning to extend my knowledge of new vocabulary.
I had to type down the unknown word and it's sentence, Use what I know to make a guess on what the word means, write down what I think it means and look up the word in a dictionary and write it's definition.
I thought it was easy because I had classmates to help me with some of the words.
My next step is to know my vocabulary.
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
Netball Semi Finals
Netball Semi Finals
It was 12:30 pm and it was a beautiful Friday afternoon as the Inter school netball players and I were stepping up and down the metal stairs.
As we arrived at the Lloyd Elsmore netball courts we started warming up for our semi finals game with Waakaranga School.
Then it finally started...
Before the game had started we had to put our position bibs on and then we picked our team captain because we need a team captain and our captain needs to do paper,sicsors,rock with the other team's captain.
I played as the Goal Keeper ( GK ) which means that I have to keep the other team's shooter from getting the ball.
The shooter that I have to defend was a tall player with a netball dress that is red and black. She also had a pair of neon color sport shoes that were really BRIGHT. ( She was also really nice )
After a while later the game started and every started running, jumping and being a little CRAZY.
We started with the ball and everyone ( well not everyone but most ) wanted to get it.
At the end of the first round of the game got a good amount of ( I think ) 4 goals???
Next came the second round of the game, I came dashing for the ball but I was really tired that I almost felt like I was about to die.
Finally when the last round ended we get to finish.
We managed to get about 8 goals and the other team got about 7 goals.
When we finished we said our "Good game's" to each other and then we head off back to school.
I had fun doing our semi finals game and I thought we were going to loose through out the game because I found that Waakaranga School is a hard school to beat. But we won!!
Onomatopoeia Worksheet
My Reflection
I was learning how to do Figurative writing.
I had to read the instructions, watch videos about Figurative writing and then had to do a follow up.
I thought it was easy because I know what is onomatopoeia's and I hear lot's of onomatopoeia's all around the class.
I chose to share my learning by creating a google doc.
I thought it was easy because I know what to do with a google doc and I had a copy of the activity that I had to do.
My next step is to use onomatopoeia's in my writing.
I chose to share my learning by creating a google doc.
I thought it was easy because I know what to do with a google doc and I had a copy of the activity that I had to do.
My next step is to use onomatopoeia's in my writing.
Friday, 14 August 2015
100 Word Challenge T3W4
My Reflection
I was learning to write a 100 word story.
I had to watch the video and then write a story about one of the animals in the video.
I found it tricky because I had no idea what to write at first.
I chose to share my learning by creating a google doc with my story written.
My next step is to make my story make more sense and more interesting.
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
How to make a Wind chime Framework
My Reflection
I was learning to write a clear explanation for an audience.
I had to do a explanation writing brainstorm to help me do my explanation writing.
I thought it was easy because I had done explanation writing before.
My next step is to try doing a explanation writing without a Framework.
Explanation Writing Brainstorm
Explanation Writing Brainstorm
My Reflection
I was learning to make a explanation writing brainstorm about how to make a wind chime.
I had to type in all the ingredients/description/part and then type the steps on how to make a wind chime.
I found the brainstorm easy because I made wind chimes before.
I chose to share my learning by using a template of the brainstorm and then start typing on it.
My next step is to write a real explanation about how to make a wind chime.
Friday, 7 August 2015
Thursday, 6 August 2015
Explanation Writing How to Make a Milkshake
My Reflection
I am learning to plan and write a clear explanation for an audience.
I had to watch a video and write notes while watching. I also had to complete a brainstorm and do a Explanation writing Framework worksheet too.
I thought it was easy because I found that the activity was pretty easy.
I chose to share my learning by creating a Framework about How to Make a Milkshake.
I thought it was easy because I had a brainstorm along with a video and some notes which I can also check.
My next step is to use explanation writing in my writing.
Kensuke's Kingdom Chapter 2 Comprehension Sheet
My Reflection
I was learning how to use diagrams and labels to understand and interpret information. We had to read the chapter of Kensuke's Kingdom and then we had to do the Comprehension sheet. I thought it was easy because I read the chapter and I knew all the answers for the questions. I think it’s easier to understand a diagram than it is to read about it. My next step is to use diagrams when I need to explain something.
Friday, 31 July 2015
Kensuke's Kingdom Chapter 1 Comprehension Sheet
My Reflection
I am learning to use information in the text to support a point of view.
First I had to read Chapter One of Kensuke's Kingdom.
Then I had to Do the Comprehension sheet.
I thought it was easy to do the comprehension sheet because I read the story clearly.
I chose to share my learning by writing a balanced argument.
I thought it was easy because I did a argument before and because I had lot's of ideas. I did though got confused with Nevertheless because I didn't know what it meaned but I gave it a try.
My next step is to think about whose point of view is closest to mine in the stories I read.
Thursday, 30 July 2015
Explanation Writing
My Reflection
I am learning to understand the purpose of writing an explanation for an audience and understand the structure of a simple explanation.
First I had to read information about explanation writing.
I thought it was pretty interesting to read because some of the information in the text were ones that I never knew about.
I liked the explanation quiz because it fun and easy to do.
I chose to share my learning by completing the logical order activity.
I thought it was easy after I read the information about the structure of an explanation.
My next step is to use explanation writing in my writing.
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Maths Fractions
Maths Fractions
My Reflection
I was learning to say the forward and backwards word sequences for halves, thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths.
I had to complete the practice activities until I feel like I understand the idea.
I thought it was tricky because I'm not really good at fractions.
I chose to share my learning by creating a video by doing a screen record video.
I thought it was easy because I found the game a bit easy.
My next step is to learn more about Fractions.
Monday, 29 June 2015
T2W9 Tasks,Tasks and more Tasks
Dear Diary,
Last week in school we have been completing our weekly tasks and there was so much. I couldn't even finish it I mean imagine you doing all of this!
So first I had my big tasks which was the 3 stars tasks and sense I uploaded my evidence I was finished with one of my 3 stars one. I was so glad that I almost jumped up in the air.
Then I did the other 3 stars activities which was The brain project # 1, the brain project # 2, multiplication follow up, and the colour poem.
I started of with my Brain project with my partner Deborah and we worked on our vocabulary follow up which was typing in the definition of different type of parts in the brain.
When me and my partner finished Brain project # 1 we moved on to Brain project # 2 which was a searching project.
When finishing all my 3 star tasks I had to move on to my 2 star tasks which is Blog Recount, Mathletics set tasks, 100 Word Challenge, Phonics ( which I didn't have), and Spelling.
Once I'd finished all of those tasks there was more to do!! MORE TASKS!!!!!
We had the 1 star tasks which was SSR and Handwriting.
I started with Handwriting. I went and got a handwriting card and then I started writing.
And finally I did my SSR and then I was finished.
I was so glad to finish my tasks in time before the day was going to end.
Last week in school we have been completing our weekly tasks and there was so much. I couldn't even finish it I mean imagine you doing all of this!
So first I had my big tasks which was the 3 stars tasks and sense I uploaded my evidence I was finished with one of my 3 stars one. I was so glad that I almost jumped up in the air.
Then I did the other 3 stars activities which was The brain project # 1, the brain project # 2, multiplication follow up, and the colour poem.
I started of with my Brain project with my partner Deborah and we worked on our vocabulary follow up which was typing in the definition of different type of parts in the brain.
When me and my partner finished Brain project # 1 we moved on to Brain project # 2 which was a searching project.
When finishing all my 3 star tasks I had to move on to my 2 star tasks which is Blog Recount, Mathletics set tasks, 100 Word Challenge, Phonics ( which I didn't have), and Spelling.
Once I'd finished all of those tasks there was more to do!! MORE TASKS!!!!!
We had the 1 star tasks which was SSR and Handwriting.
I started with Handwriting. I went and got a handwriting card and then I started writing.
And finally I did my SSR and then I was finished.
I was so glad to finish my tasks in time before the day was going to end.
Identifying Character Traits
I was learning to identify character traits and compare characters based on these traits.
I had to look for how my main character's life has been treated like.
The hardest traits to find were social and the emotional because one for the social lot's of different people keep changing how they treat my character and same for the emotional the character keeps on changing her feelings so I get confused.
The easiest traits were the physical because at the beggenig of the book there were information about my character how she'd looked like also there were many pictures of my character.
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
My Kaitiaki Art
My Kaitiaki (Mouri God) is Tangaroa.
I used cool text to write some adjectives about my God.
I enjoy doing this art.
My Recount
My Recount
Matariki as just past but I had lots of fun celebrating it in school. We did Matariki Rotations and activities to celebrate. Everyone was here even me! We did this Rotation to see what happened in Matariki, understand Matariki and to celebrate Matariki.
First of all we splitted into groups. Each group had a number on it I went to group 5 where one of my friend's sister was.
Then a teacher stand beside our group leader. The teacher that we had was Mrs Kuroa and she lead us to our first Rotation which was with her.
When our group had arrived at the auditorium we ran to the mat and sat down. Some of us lied down and the others just sat. I sat down because it's much more comfortable for me and I can see much more clearly.
A little while later Mrs Kuroa started talking about what we we're going to do. Then she said that at the end of the video she would ask questions and get prizes.
Then the video started. I listened carefully. The video was about the story about how the seven sisters turned to the seven stars.
When the first round ended we went to our next round which was in Rm 6.
At Rm 6 we coloured in stars with crayons and felttips. Then I can choose either to put in glitter or leave it. I decided to leave my star like it was.
Suddenly the bell rang and I was about to cut my star but TOO LATE it rang allready!!!!! Well at least I finished my star.
When everyone else came to line up behind our team leader we set of to our last and final rotation.
Finally we had reached Rm 24 with Ms Hues. We did colouring with pastels. We had to colour a paper that was shaped as a hand and it was quick and easy but also messy at the same time.
I coloured about 4 hands. That's how quick and easy it is to colour in just a peice of paper.
Then when the bell rang we zoomed back to our classrooms.
I had lots of fun doing the Matariki Rotations but it was sad that I didn't went to one of the paper making activities.
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
My Speech
My Speech
Do you read books? Well if not too bad than. Why because books are important to you. They help with your learning, they make you be a better person and THEY ARE BOOKS! And so to learn more I'm going to tell you three reasons why we should read books.
Firstly, people young and old you and I need to read books because reading expands your imagination.It's like you're reading into the story.
Secondly, books are endless stories that can help you to understand the world and can also help you to fix one point in your life. This means that you can have a much more better life and you can also learn from it too.
Thirdly, reading makes you be a much more better writer because to be a better writer you have to read, read, read. Soon you will start getting words from the book to your mind and you can start writing stories with those ideas. Plus you will never know if you will be a better writer or not.
So those were my three reasons why we should read books. So in conclusion people need to read books because if not you will not be a complete person. So think about. Should we read books or should we not????????
My Speech Planning Popplet
My Reflection
I was learning how to make a speech brainstorm in popplet.
I found this easy because I used popplet before and I had some good ideas for my speech.
Something that I found hard was the conclusion for my speech because I didn't have any ideas for the speech and I got confused.
My next step is to write a much more better conclusion.
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